Psalm Index

Book 1:  Psalms 1-41
Psalm 1 - Like a tree
Psalm 2 - Why plot in vain?
Psalm 3 - You, O Lord, are a shield
Psalm 4 - Answer me!
Psalm 5 - Evil will not sojourn with you
Psalm 8 - A little lower than God
Psalm 9 - Do not let mortals prevail
Psalm 11 - What can the righteous do?
Psalm 12 - They utter lies to each other
Psalm 13 - Sorrow in my heart
Psalm 14 - All have gone astray
Psalm 15 - Who may abide?
Psalm 16 - The Lord is my chosen portion
Psalm 19 - The heavens are telling
Psalm 21 - In your strength
Psalm 22 - My God, my God
Psalm 23 - Surely
Psalm 24 - The earth is the Lord's
Psalm 25 - Unto thee, O Lord, do I left up my soul
Psalm 26 - My foot stands on level ground
Psalm 27 - My heart shall not fear
Psalm 29 - All say "Glory"!
Psalm 30 - Will the dust praise you?
Psalm 31 - Lead me, guide me
Psalm 32 - Blessed is the one who is forgiven
Psalm 33 - The word of the Lord is upright
Psalm 34:1-8 - Taste and see
Psalm 34:9-14 - Which of you desires life?
Psalm 36 - I have a message from God in my heart
Psalm 37 - Do not fret because of the wicked
Psalm 38 - Do not rebuke me in your anger
Psalm 39 - I will guard my ways
Psalm 40 - I have told the glad news
33 articles / 32 psalms

Book 2:  Psalms 42-72
Psalms 42 & 43 - As I pour out my soul
Psalm 45 - I address my verses to the king
Psalm 46 - God is our refuge and strength
Psalm 47 - Clap your hands
Psalm 48 - Walk all around Zion
Psalm 49 - The ransom of life is costly
Psalm 50 - Gather to me my faithful ones
Psalm 51 - Create in me
Psalm 52 - The righteous will see
Psalm 53 - Are there any who are wise?
Psalm 54 - Surely God is my helper
Psalm 57 - Be merciful to me
Psalm 60 - O God, you have rejected us
Psalm 63 - I seek you
Psalm 64 - God will shoot his arrow at them
Psalm 66 - Come and see what God has done
Psalm 67 - May God be gracious to us
Psalm 68 - Proclaim the power of God
Psalm 70 - Let all who seek you rejoice
Psalm 71 - I will always have hope
Psalm 72 - Give the king your justice, O God
21 articles / 22 psalms

Book 3:  Psalms 73-89
Psalm 73 - I was envious of the arrogant
Psalm 74 - Why do you cast us off forever?
Psalm 77 - I cry aloud to God
Psalm 78 - The Lord rained down on them manna
Psalm 79 - They have poured out their blood like water
Psalm 80 - Restore us, O God
Psalm 81 - I hear a voice I had not known
Psalm 82 - Give justice to the weak
Psalm 84 - How lovely is your dwelling place
Psalm 85 - Righteousness and peace will kiss
Psalm 86 - Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer
Psalm 87 - The Lord loves the gates of Zion
Psalm 89 - I have found my servant David
13 articles / 13 psalms

Book 4:  Psalms 90-106
Psalm 90 - Turn, O Lord!
Psalm 91 - You have made the Lord your refuge
Psalm 92 - It is good to give thanks
Psalm 93 - Robed in majesty
Psalm 95 - People of his pasture
Psalm 96 - Declare his glory
Psalms 96, 97, 98 - A new song (Christmas)
Psalm 97 - Fire goes before him
Psalm 98 - The Lord has made known his victory
Psalm 99 - Enthroned upon the cherubim
Psalm 100 - Enter his gates
Psalm 101 - I will sing of loyalty and justice
Psalm 103 - Bless the Lord, O my soul
13 articles / 12 psalms

Book 5:  Psalms 107-150
Psalm 107 - Some were sick
Psalm 108 - My heart is steadfast
Psalm 109 - Do not be silent, O God of my praise
Psalm 111 - Whole-hearted thanks
Psalm 112 - The desire of the wicked comes to nothing
Psalm 113 - From the rising of the sun
Psalm 114 - Why is it, O sea?
Psalm 116 - I pray, save my life!
Psalm 118 - Lord, save us!
Psalm 119:1-8 - Those who walk in the law
Psalm 119:9-14 - With my lips I recount
Psalm 119:33-40 - Give me understanding
Psalm 119:97-104 מ Mem - Oh, how I love your law!
Psalm 120 - Deliver me from lying lips
Psalm 121 - From where will my help come?
Psalm 123 - An end to contempt
Psalm 124 - We have escaped like a bird
Psalm 125 - Do good, O Lord
Psalm 126 - Like those who dream
Psalm 127 - Unless the Lord builds
Psalm 128 - You shall be happy
Psalm 128 (2024) - It shall go well with you
Psalm 129 - They attacked me from my youth
Psalm 129 (2024) - Often have they attacked me
Psalm 130 - In God’s word I hope
Psalm 131 - I have calmed and quieted my soul
Psalm 132 - Remember all the hardships he endured
Psalm 133 - How very good and pleasant
Psalm 134 - Lift up your hands
Psalm 136 - His love endures forever
Psalm 137 - If I do not remember you
Psalm 138 - Whole-hearted thanks
Psalm 139 - You have searched me and known me
Psalm 141 - Let my prayer be as sacrifice
Psalm 142 - My persecutors are too strong for me
Psalm 143 - Hear my prayer, O Lord
Psalm 145 - Every day I will bless you
Psalm 146 - Praise the Lord
Psalm 147 - The Lord heals the brokenhearted
Psalm 148 - Praise the Lord from the heavens, Praise the Lord from the earth
Psalm 150 - Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
39 articles / 36 psalms

Total: 121 articles / 115 psalms


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