Opening the Book

The Psalms have been an important resource for me in the development and deepening of my faith. Perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, the psalms speak directly in the voice of the person (and congregation). They go deep into the soul, giving voice to anguish and pain, praise and thanksgiving, history and wisdom, joy and thanksgiving.

And faith. Faith in the God of Israel, the God of creation and covenant, of exodus and exile, of judgment and of mercy.

I am a Christian, and my writings will reflect that. Posts will often be oriented to the portion of the psalm appointed for reading in churches which use the Revised Common Lectionary. Many other lectionary resources can be found at

I am also fortunate to live in a world which knows many faiths, and in a time where ecumenical and interfaith relationships are broader and more accepted than at any time in history. I have been taught by and found inspiration from people across religious lines. So this site is not doctrinaire. Rather, it is my hope to help make the psalms themselves available, with comment and interpretation to help that end. It is my belief that the God who inspired these words will be able to use them to help people on their journey.

It is my goal to regularly add short reflections, eventually at least one for each psalm. Probably that will happen without any system, but I will start with the last psalm and go forward from there.

Thank you for stopping by, and may God, who is faithful and just, whose love is without measure, bless and uphold you.

Paul Bellan-Boyer
Jersey City, New Jersey
July 9, 2018


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